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Teachers make a difference!

Posted on Sep 25, 2024

Teachers inspire, support and impact the lives of children every single day. A few of our students wanted to share how teachers have impacted their lives... Teachers make a difference!

A prayer for World Teachers' Day

O Divine Jesus, bless our teachers.
Bless those who give to others every day,
Who teach the next generation,
Who work many unseen hours outside the classroom.

Holy Spirit, inspire the teachers of the world.
Inspire teachers to thirst for knowledge,
To impart wisdom,
To be strong in the face of challenge.

God the Father, fill their cups.
Fill them with peace to overcome anxiety,
With joy to spread their passion for learning,
And with love and support during this pandemic.

Above all, Lord, give them hearts for their students.
So they may serve as You serve,
Give as You give,
And love as You love.


History of World Teachers' Day

World Teachers' Day is celebrated around the world on the 5th of October. It is also known by some as International Teachers' Day. The event was established in 1994, and it commemorates the signing of the 1966 UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the status of teachers.