COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Posted on Oct 12, 2021
At the Public Board Meeting on October 12, the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education passed a motion regarding mandatory COVID-19 vaccines (meeting agenda).
Motion: Leahy. “The Trustees of the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education directs Administration to develop, implement (and amend as needed), a COVID-19 Vaccination Status Administrative Procedure (not applicable to students) that, on reasonable timelines, requires vaccination status disclosure, and for those not fully vaccinated regular proof of a COVID-19 negative test.”
The motion was carried 3-2
In favour: Grad, Leahy, Mastel
Opposed: Glasgo, Risling
Details regarding this new Administrative Procedure (AP) will be shared with staff and families next week.
Chat TV: City schools to require proof of vaccination for staff
Medicine Hat News: Catholic school board passes vaccine mandate in squeaker of a vote