Superintendent's Message - Summer Blessings
Posted on Jun 26, 2019It has been a wonderful and vibrant year with many blessings for staff, students and parents who all play an integral part of the Medicine Hat Catholic Schools. The year has been filled with many exciting moments, activities and celebrations. From our Kindergarten children who entered full of awe and wonder to our senior students who are leaving with mixed emotions after years of cultivating friendships, we are privileged in our vocation as teachers and staff to walk with them on their journey.
Our vocation as staff in our Catholic schools is to bring joy and hope to those whom we serve. We are called to see the gifts in each and every child. It is within this dimension that we are called as our Division motto suggests “to show the face of Christ to all”.
I would like to thank our trustees, teachers, staff and parents for their support, feedback and encouragement throughout this year.
I wish each of you a blessed summer filled with time for family and friends as well as time alone. May God keep you safe until your return in September.
This is my final year with the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education and I leave you with an Irish Blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Have a wonderful summer!
God Bless,
Joe Colistro
Superintendent of Schools
Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education