School Education Plan Presentations
Posted on Nov 21, 2018
You are invited! Come to our School Education Plan presentations. Our 9 Catholic Schools will present their School Education Plans to School Board Trustees, School Staff, Parents and Parishioners. This will be an informative and enjoyable opportunity to learn about your child's School.
There will be three presentations each evening:
November 22, 2018 at Holy Family Parish Hall, 6-8pm – 30 Minutes per school
School 1: St. Patrick’s School
School 2: Mother Teresa School
School 3 St. Francis Xavier School
December 5, 2018 at St. Patrick’s Parish Hall, 6-8pm – 30 Minutes per school
School 1: St. Michael’s School
School 2: St. Louis School
School 3: École St. John Paul II School
December 6, 2018 at Monsignor McCoy 6-8 pm - 30 Minutes per school
School 1: Notre Dame Academy
School 2: St. Mary’s School
School 3 Monsignor McCoy High School