MHC launches mental health workshop for parents
Posted on Oct 12, 2023
In an effort to provide mental health resources and education to the community, made possible through The Brandon Niwa Legacy Fund – The Beej Project, Medicine Hat College (MHC) is proud to launch a parent-focused workshop series this October to support children in their teen years.
Recommended for those with children between the ages of 12-18, Parenting Through Adolescence is being facilitated by clinical psychologist, Dr. Emily Wang, and master of social work/registered social worker, Shawn O’Grady, who aim to help parents navigate this transitionary time of their children’s lives.
“In my experience, dysregulated kids often grow up to become dysregulated adults,” says O’Grady, who draws on his expertise in childhood trauma and family counseling. “This program will help parents better understand their child and learn strategies to effectively communicate, avoid conflict, and work through negative behaviours, in a way that helps instill positive mental health in children as they approach adulthood.”
The five modules within the workshop series are designed to help parents better understand their adolescent’s brain, develop strategies for relationship building, navigate neurodivergent diagnoses, and manage high-risk behaviours in adolescents. The first module begins on Saturday, Oct. 28.
Jennifer Kerslake, director of community engagement at MHC, says the need for the workshop was identified by MHC and its advisory panel, a group of professionals from the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education, Medicine Hat Public School Division, Prairie Rose Public Schools, and Medicine Hat Police Service.
“At Medicine Hat College, we believe it is important to offer opportunities that help to meet the needs of our communities,” says Kerslake. “We are grateful to be able to provide our region with these exceptional mental health resources and partnerships because of the generosity of the Niwa Family.”
To learn more and to register for the upcoming workshop series, please visit
For information about The Beej Project, visit