Elementary students bring out their inner arborist
Posted on Apr 28, 2021
Hugging them is optional, but 312 Medicine Hat Catholic school students are taking home trees this week.
As part of Alberta Forest Week, Grade 1 and 2 students from St. Francis Xavier, Mother Teresa, St. Patrick’s and École St. John Paul II will receive small seedlings which they can then take and plant at home.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry began the program more than 60 years ago, aiming to teach the value of trees. Since then, millions of the seedlings have been given out, with an estimated 70,000 delivered this year.
This year’s seedlings are either White Spruce or Lodgepole Pine, both suited for growing in a variety of conditions.
The tiny trees are being delivered to the schools Wednesday, April 28 and Thursday, April 29 to be distributed.
For more information:
Medicine Hat News: Catholic students take home tree seedlings for forest week