École St. John Paul II School Updates
Posted on Jan 2, 2018
St. John Paul II School FAQ:
- St. John Paul II Elementary School opening September 2018;
- The Elementary School will offer K-6 including an Early Learning Program for children ages (3-5);
- Registration begins in February/ March 2018 for September 2018;
- Natural Attendance Area/School Boundaries
- Natural Attendance Area: East of 13th Avenue, South of the Trans Canada, North of the City Boundary which includes Southlands; Dunmore and the Rural 2 component, the Rural 2 component of the District does not include Desert Blume. Desert Blume will be zoned to St. Patrick’s School.
- All District Attendance Zones: French Immersion”.
November 2017 Update
Construction is progressing well with estimated completion in spring of 2018. The Board is in the process of setting Boundaries and Attendance areas. As more details become available we will share that information with you.Thank you for supporting Medicine Hat Catholic Schools!
Photo: November 29, 2017
June 2017 Update
Click here for the first look inside our newest Catholic school!
Photo: June 8, 2017
February 2017- Update
The Board of Trustees for the MHCBE are very excited about the progress of the construction at St. John Paul II. We are looking forward to serving our families at our new Catholic Elementary School in Southlands.
Photo: February 24, 2017
January 2017- Construction Update
Lots of construction activity on-site in Southridge at our new Catholic Elementary School at 4802 Southlands Drive SE.
Installation of the deep services for water and sewer will begin soon. The piling for the main building is now complete. Completion of our new Catholic Elementary School is projected for November 2017.
Click here for construction photo update.
June 21, 2016
It was a wonderful day of celebration for MHCBE. The Board began the day with the Sod-Turning Ceremony from 9:30 – 10:30 at the school site location at 4802 Southland Drive in Southlands (future location of the new school), followed by refreshments served at Holy Family Parish Hall including a cake-cutting ceremony. The event was attended by Dignitaries, Trustees, Distinguished Guests, Parish Priests, Students and Parents and members from our community.
The Board acknowledged Mrs. Emily Haubrich & 11 Students from St. Francis Xavier School for their school name entries of St. John Paul II. Congratulations to each them and we thank them for their contribution! Each of them received a special certificate.
Thank you to all those who attended the event. A special thank you to the St. Mary’s School Choir and Choir Director, Mr. Brad van Middelkoop for their uplifting musical performances today. Bravo!
On behalf of the Board of Trustees. Thank you!
Click here for more photos from the event!
Click here for information on the school naming process and criteria.
June 21, 2016- Sod-Turning Celebration!
Catholic School Board breaks Ground on New 250 Seat Elementary School in South of the City. Sod turning at the Southlands School site, light lunch to follow at Holy Family Parish. We invite you to join us for the Sod-Turning Celebration!
Click here for Save The Date!
May 2016- Help Us Name Our New Elementary School!
THANK YOU to our Parents, Students, Staff and our Parish Community who submitted an entry to name our new Catholic Elementary School. We had a wonderful response receiving just over 120 entires in total!
Naming of the New School is a significant part of our planning. It is anticipated the School will open in the Fall of 2017. The School Naming Committee will now review each of the entires. A selection of those entries will be passed along to our Board of Trustees for their review and decision making.
The Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education will approve the School Name at the June 14th Catholic School Board Meeting. The School Name will be revealed at the Sod-Turning Ceremony on June 21st! Watch for announcement soon! The individual or group with the chosen entry will be invited to the Sod-Turning Ceremony and will receive a special certificate acknowleding their entry.
Click here for School Name Entry Form
March 17, 2016- Board Approves School Design
The Board of Trustees approved the design drawings of Sector 5 Elementary School (Southlands). Architects, Ferrari Westwood Babits (FWB) presented the Board with drawings of the new elementary school. The design incorporates lots of natural light with an outdoor feel with meaningful multi-use gathering spaces. The Board will begin the process for naming our new 250 seat Catholic Elementary School. The School is anticipated to open in the fall of 2017, located just south of Holy Family Parish.
Click here to see the School Design!
October 8, 2014- New School Announced
We are very excited with yesterday’s announcement from the Government of Alberta to build a new school for Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education. It will be constructed on the Southlands school site, south of Holy Family Parish between Southland Drive and Southland Boulevard Southeast. Above is a rough map showing the approximate location. The Southlands area is a fast growing community and this school will address those growth pressures and relieve the enrolment pressures at St. Patrick’s School and at other schools.
It will be constructed as an elementary school holding 250 students. We do not have an opening date as yet;, however, the government has indicated that the planning will begin immediately. Initial meetings with Alberta Education are planned for later in October. This project and the modernization of Monsignor McCoy have been the board’s priorities for several years and it is pleasing to see these come to fruition. As the project unfolds we will ensure staff and the public are kept informed of project status and the opportunities ahead of us.
Also announced was a significant increase to Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal (IMR) funding. While we do not know our portion as yet, we are pleased with this news. IMR funding allows for school divisions to ensure the school infrastructure is maintained and renovated allowing for improved student learning.
The public school division was also awarded an elementary school in Ranchlands and we are excited for all the citizens of Medicine hat and area with this provincial investment into education.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees
Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education