50 Years of Earth Day!
Posted on Apr 21, 2020
This year we mark the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si. Both anniversaries remind us that we are the stewards of God’s creation and therefore we need to honor and treasure what has been given to us.
God, our creator,
We come to you today filled with wonder and awe
On all that you have given us.
As new life emerges in this season of spring we see new buds on the trees, plants pushing through the soil, and hear the songs of returning robins - and we give you thanks.
On Earth day this year we find ourselves only seeing many of these signs from our windows or in our neighborhoods. In this time of isolation let our eyes see the wisdom of this moment.
May we see this as a time of rest for our earth and your creation and a time for us to truly appreciate the world around us.
Let us go outside and take a deep breath, feel the warmth on our faces and to hear the sounds of nature with a renewed commitment to caring for our precious earth.
Through the power of the Spirit, with Jesus as our guide. Amen
God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased. Genesis 1:31