Catholic Education Week meets Mental Health Week
Posted on Apr 11, 2024Annually, during the month of May we put special focus on celebrating the gift of Catholic education, in addition, we recognize Mental Health Week, and Alberta Education Week.
This year, Mental Health Week and Catholic Education Week fall on the same dates. We are taking this opportunity to showcase faith permeation in our schools. Permeation of faith is how we live our faith in all subjects and activities. This is the essence of what sets faith-based education apart from public education.
From May 6-10, Medicine Hat Catholic schools will be participating in themed activities based on the 5 Marks of a Catholic School while recognizing mental health connections and dress up opportunities that line up with the daily faith themes.
Below you will find a list of themes, daily prayers and activity inspiration to celebrate Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week at school and at home!
Monday, May 6
Daily Theme Mark 1: Created in the Image of God
To recognize the image of God in self and others
Mental Health Week Connection
Emotional/Mental Wellness
Dress Up: Twin Day
Prayer Intentions
We pray for everyone to know that they are made in the image of God.
Link to Monday prayer
Activity Inspiration
School Activity 1 - Gifts in Others - In words or illustrations, celebrate the gifts and talents of someone in your school or class.
School Activity 2 - Encountering God Artwork - create a piece of art that shows how we encounter God through others.
Home Activity - Go outside as a family. Take some time to notice the sights, smells, sounds in your neighbourhood.
Tuesday, May 7
Daily Theme Mark 2: Catholic Worldview
To express and develop a living Catholic view of the world by putting faith into action.
Mental Health Week Connection
Physical Wellness
Dress Up: Jersey Day
Prayer Intentions
We pray that our Catholic schools may show the love of God in the world.
Link to Tuesday prayer
Activity Inspiration
School Activity 1 - School Scavenger Hunt - Search your classroom, hallways, and the grounds of your school for items that show you are in a Catholic School.
School Activity 2 - Pray a Living Rosary or go for a walk and pray for school neighbours
Home Activity - Go for a Nature Walk as a family and pray together to thank God for all the beauty you see.
Wednesday, May 8
Daily Theme Mark 3: Faith Permeation
To ask questions and seek knowledge of our faith in school subjects and activities.
Mental Health Week Connection
Intellectual/Mental Wellness
Dress Up: Hats on for Mental Health
Prayer Intentions
We pray that we see God in all of our classes and in each other.
Link to Wednesday prayer
Activity Inspiration
School Activity 1 Learn about a Saint who is the patron of mental health and wellness
School Activity 2 - Use your brain and your heart to learn about the sacred form of reading scripture called Lectio Divina.
Home Activity - Did you know it is still the Easter Season in the Church? Read one of the stories from the Bible of when Jesus appeared to someone following His resurrection.
Thursday, May 9
Daily Theme Mark 4: Gospel Witness
To live a life of faith and be a witness in your relationship with God.
Mental Health Week Connection
Spiritual Wellness
Dress Up: Wear Blue for Catholic Ed
Prayer Intentions
We pray for the courage to be witnesses of God's love in our society.
Link to Thursday prayer
Activity Inspiration
School Activity 1- World Catholic Education Day Walk (register for Move4MH Walk)
School Activity 2 - Witness to your desire to help others by participating in acts of kindness
Home Activity - Witness to your faith by creating a faith-based chalk picture on your driveway or sidewalk
Friday, May 10
Daily Theme Mark 5: Spirit of Community
To contribute to our faith community and create an inclusive and welcoming environment.
Mental Health Week Connection
Social Wellness
Dress Up: Stress Less Friday (PJs/ Loungewear)
Prayer Intentions
We pray for all families, that they may grow in faith and unite in their prayers.
Link to Friday prayer
Activity Inspiration
School Activity 1 - Write a thank you letter to an adult in your school, a paretnt or a member of the church community.
School Activity 2 - Gather as a school community and play faith themed games
Example: Catholic Education Week Bingo
Home Activity -Write letters to family members or members of the parish.
Mental Health Week Resources
Join our division Mental Health team for our 10th Annual Move for Mental Health Fun Run/Walk on Sunday, May 5 from 1:00-4:00 pm. Click here to register!
Prayers Focusing on the 2024 Catholic Education Week Theme - Courage to Lead
- For all leaders in Catholic Education that through the guidance of the holy spirit they may grow closer to God in all that they do, we pray to the Lord.
- For Pope Francis, that the Risen Lord may grant him good health and strength as he continues to lead the church with courage, we pray to the Lord.
- For Catholic Education, that during our celebrations of Catholic Education Week, we may live out the mission of “Courage to Lead” with conviction, we pray to the Lord
- For all those who are sick in our communities and all those who suffer that they may find help and consolation, we pray to the Lord.
Additional links:
Letter from the Catholic Bishops of Alberta and NWT
5 Marks of a Catholic School
5 Marks of a Catholic Teacher
5 Marks of a Catholic Student