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Alberta Health Services Notice

Posted on Oct 9, 2019

Pertussis cases confirmed in west part of AHS South Zone - October 8, 2019

LETHBRIDGE – Eleven new cases of pertussis (whooping cough) have been confirmed in the past week in Lethbridge, the County of Lethbridge and Raymond, prompting Alberta Health Services (AHS) to remind residents to get immunized and take necessary precautions to limit the spread of the infection.

There have now been 38 confirmed cases of pertussis in 2019 in AHS South Zone. There were 58 confirmed cases in the South Zone last year.

Pertussis – a bacterial infection that causes severe coughing that may last for weeks – can affect all age groups; however, infants one year of age and younger are at greatest risk of serious complications, including pneumonia, convulsions, brain damage and even death.
Immunization is the best method to protect against and limit the spread of pertussis. All residents in South Zone are encouraged to ensure that they, and their children, are up-to-date on their immunizations.

Full Media Release from Alberta Health Services

Alberta’s Routine Childhood Immunization Schedule

Additional Information on Pertussis (Whooping Cough)


Influenza Clinics - September 2019

To avoid waiting in line at public Influenza clinics in Medicine Hat parents have the option to book appointments for their children aged 6 months up to and including 4 years of age.

This option is only available in Medicine Hat. Parents will be able to call to book on/after 16 SEPT 2019.

When parents call to book the appointment for a child within this age range, they will also have the option of booking additional appointments so they and their other children can get their influenza immunizations at the same time.

Call the Medicine Hat Public Health office at # 403-502-8214 to book appointments. Please have your Alberta Health Care cards available. Indicate that you want to book appointments at the Medicine Hat Influenza clinic.

For information regarding clinic dates and times and for additional influenza information, visit