Alberta Education Assurance Survey
Posted on Jan 17, 2024
The Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) survey is currently scheduled to open the week of January 22, 2024.
Every year, Alberta Education surveys students, their parents and all teachers on behalf of schools and school authorities to assess what is working well and where there is room for improvement.
The survey asks students in grades 4, 7 and 10, and their parents, about their thoughts, feelings and experiences in school. The survey will be administered between January and March 2024. In some schools, all students in grades 4 and above and their parents will be surveyed.
Participants will be asked questions on a variety of topics, such as welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments; student learning engagement; and parental involvement. The survey does not ask for names and cannot be used to identify individual participants.
Why is the survey needed?
Alberta’s Assurance Framework requires school authorities across the province to report their performance according to a number of different measures that provide key information about how the education system is doing. A provincial survey allows all school authorities to be measured on the same things at the same time.
Participation in the survey is voluntary:
- All participants may opt out of taking the survey at any time with no repercussions and/or skip any questions they do not wish to answer.
- All responses are anonymous. The survey does not collect personally identifiable information and Random Access Codes will be used to group responses by survey type, school and authority.
- Only grouped data where there are more than six responses are reported.
- All data collected will be managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
- If you have any questions regarding the survey or your child’s participation, please contact your child’s school directly.
How will I take the survey?
- Parents or guardians are issued a single-use Random Access Code mailed through Canada Post to complete the survey online.
- The code must be used to access the survey and helps Alberta Education group your response as being from a parent/guardian. It is not used to identify individuals.
- Monitor your Canada Post mailbox starting late-January 2024 for the survey invitation package from Alberta Education.
- Parents or guardians with more than one student in an eligible grade will receive a separate survey invitation package for each child.
- Paper copies of the survey can also be requested through your school principal once the survey opens.
How will students take the survey?
- Students complete the survey at school.
- Before the survey begins, your child’s teacher or school staff will explain to the students that the survey is not a test – there are no right or wrong answers. They will also explain that there are no repercussions for opting out of participating and that they may skip questions they do not wish to answer.
- Responses are submitted anonymously. Random Access Codes will be used to group responses by survey type, grade, school and school authority only.
Details about the assurance measures and how to obtain results are available online at
If you have questions or concerns about the survey, please contact your school principal.